7.07 Release Highlights

Cover 7.07

7.07 Release Highlights

Audio pop out player

For services which have live audio shows or audio records on the site, users could now listen audio shows via audio pop out while browsing the site. Audio pop out player could be open by audio page from audio navigation or embedded audio in article or a section. This new feature is only for bigger screens, it means mobile users will not get this pop out.

The responsible administrator of sites that have audio broadcast should translate the new keywords in Site Localization.

MobileSite.Player.VisitProgramPage and


Multiple Toggle Sites (3 sites)

For websites serving content in more than one language we developed, similarly as on the desktop version, toggle site buttons. The toggle button could be a link to another site, to a section within the site or link to a page. All already created links to a desktop or another already created links should be replaced by this feature. If you want to add any link (toggle button) to another site or a page, please contact our support team, they will help you with configuration. Toggle buttons are in 2 formats, for big screen we display abbreviations and for small screens (as mobile) long names are shown up.

Regions go now responsive

As of Pangea 7.07 regions can be used in zones. Click “Responsive Regions” under Section and assign a responsive region to a content zone. Regions will show up on a content zone archive page or a content page.

Step #1: create a responsive region

Step #2: assign responsive region to a content zone

Step #3: responsive region will show up on content zone archive page and a content page

Multiple bitrate for on-demand audios and videos to download

In order to improved user's experience and react on the different bandwidth connection we are introducing the possibility to choose the quality of audio and video download.

Media file size, quality and format is retrieved from original file uploaded into CMS - currently we are working on the support of full HD.

New content supported on responsive

As part of the project of switch from desktop to responsive, we have been working on enabling the legacy content for responsive.

After Release 7.07 we support:

  • interview
  • discussion
  • full page backgrounder

Further content types (soundslide, pop-up, documents, and embedded backgrounder) will be added in the next releases.

If your page is Responsive only, this content will be no longer available - please localize the new key - "Responsive.NotSupported" in order to to improve the user experience.

Load more buttons - load animation

To avoid multiple hits on action buttons such as “Submit comments” or “Load More” we’ve implemented a simple load animation.

RSS auto-discovery

RSS feeds are now searchable for browsers and other software automatically on the responsive web-site.

WhatsApp - messaging share buttons

If our mobile web-users have installed WhatsApp application in their devices, they could share content via Whatsapp sharing buttons. Obviously it works only on small devices (mobiles). In case, you are interested in this feature, feel free and contact support team via the Pangea Help Center portal.

Change of Contact Us - email body text

We have improved the wording in the Contact Us email, now it is more clear and with additional information about the reader - sender of the email (service email/ reader email/ IP address of reader, visited page).

Publication date - change of logic

Some services have already started to use relative time for content and widgets, that means how long ago the content was published (e.g. 2 months ago).

We changed the logic for relative time and now if a content is younger than 5 hours, relative time will display on site. And if a content is older than 5 hours, relative time will change to absolute - that means to a specific date of publication (e.g. January 2nd, 2016).

If you want to use relative time, please contact support team via the Pangea Help Center portal.

Comments sorting - newest comments at the top

We have added a new option for chose the sorting key on the comments. Comments can now be sorted from oldest to newest or vice versa. Contact our Support Team via the Pangea Help Center portal if you wish to change your current setting.

New Feature in CMS & Core apps

Migrating to full HTTPS support

We have started the process of migrating all Pangea CMS to the secure HTTP - HTTPS. The U.S. government is mandating the use of HTTPS, but it is a step forward in terms of improving security and SEO of the sites. We are starting on the login / password reset page and user management screens.

Migration of the front-end web-sites to HTTPS is our next logical step.