This release we added more features to responsive mobile and direct. Enabled Facebook video upload. Soon we will launch Smart TV. PGO is now on tablets and supports image editing. And we have new platform for submitting requests. More in Release Notes
We now support Poll Widget, Quiz with Archive, Infographics and Video/Audio player HTML/Flash. We also started generating Tealium statistics.
Facebook video upload
Previously we supported upload of audios to Soundcloud and videos to YouTube. Now you can also upload up to 45 minutes video to facebook.
Specific configuration is required, please contact our Customer Care team for assistance.
Please visit direct site at direct.rferl.org This release we added option to bookmark favorite content and review downloaded content. If you would like to contribute to direct please find more information in Direct guide.
Smart TV
Users of Samsung TV will soon find first beta version of RFE application.
That supports view of RFE audio and video content in English, Farsi and Ukrainian language. In next version we will add additional RFE languages.
PGO enhancement
PangeaGo mobile application is now optimized to work on tablets and iPads. We have also added image editing feature that allows you for example to trim and rotate the image prior sending it to Pangea CMS.
New Request portal
From July 7th for RFE and July 13th for other entities we have new support portal http://support.pangea-cms.com/ meanwhile redirection will be in place.
Registration is required and your password is set to never expire.