YouTube API

Google API Services general information

Pangea CMS has a Google YouTube Data API v3 integration that allows our users to stream live and upload any video to YouTube using distribution profiles associated with Youtube accounts.
We have developed a special tool within Pangea CMS - Multimedia Admin Panel Token Generation tool, which is used to connect a YouTube account to a CMS distribution profile.

Pangea CMS does not store or process any data obtained through the use of Google OAuth. We use Google OAuth solely for the purpose of generating refresh tokens for accessing and publishing live and VOD videos on YouTube.

The following is a detailed explanation of how we access, use, store, and share Google user data

Access: We use Google OAuth to request access to the user's Google account, specifically the YouTube API, in order to publish videos on the user's behalf. We will only request the permissions required to perform these actions.
Use: The refresh token obtained through Google OAuth is used to obtain new access tokens for authenticating requests to the YouTube API and publishing videos on the user's YouTube channel.
Storage: We store the refresh token securely and FISMA compliant (US Federal Information Security Management Act) and it will only be used to obtain new access tokens for the user's current session and will be discarded after the session ends. ​
Sharing: We do not share any data obtained through Google OAuth with any third parties.
By using our app, you consent to the access and use of your Google account data as described above. Please note that our app is not affiliated with Google and we are not responsible for Google's privacy practices. You can review Google's privacy policy at ​Google's Privacy Policy and please review YouTube Terms of Service

Terms of Use

By using our app, you agree to the following terms of use:

  • You grant our app permission to access your Google account and publish videos on your YouTube channel.
  • You understand that our app does not store or process any data obtained through the use of Google OAuth except for the refresh token which will be used only for the current session and will be discarded after the session ends.
  • You understand that our app is not affiliated with Google and we are not responsible for Google's privacy practices.
  • You agree to review and comply with Google's terms of service, which can be found at
  • You agree to indemnify and hold harmless our app and its developers from any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses arising out of or in any way connected with your use of our app.
  • Use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements

Please note that these terms of use and privacy policy may be updated from time to time. Your continued use of our app after any updates indicates your acceptance of the new term

​Remove access

If you want to disconnect your account from Pangea CMS distribution profiles you can delete it any time in your Google account settings.
(Google account->Security->Third-party apps with account access -> Remove RFERL-API app)

For more information, guidance, and best practices, see the related articles.
If you have any question you can contact us: