Manage versions of pages and segments

What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to manage versions of the following pages and segments:

  • Section pages (including your homepage)
  • Infopages
  • Landings
  • Regions
  • You Might Also Like (YMAL)

Versioning is useful if you need to make significant updates to a published page or segment. Rather than updating the published version directly, you can create a clone of the published version. This works as follows:

  1. The clone initially matches the published version.
  2. You can edit the clone without impacting the published verison.
  3. When you are ready, you can publish the clone (make it the active version).

This article explains the available options for managing versions:

Review current versions

To review the current versions of a page / segment:

  1. Go to Build in the primary navigation.
  2. Choose the type of page / segment you want to manage.
  3. Select the specific page / segment you want to manage.
  4. Under Versions, review the current versions.

In the drop-down menu, select the version you want to update. The active version is marked with the Active badge.

Create a new version

To create a new version (clone) of a page / segment:

  1. Under Versions, select the version you want to clone.
  2. Hit the Clone selected version button.
  3. Under Title, provide a title to identify the version in Pangea CMS. This title is not displayed on the public site. Hit Clone to confirm.

The builder for the new clone opens with the Editor view selected by default.

NOTE: If the maximum number of permitted versions has already been reached for the current page / segment, the Clone selected version button is not available.

Edit a cloned version

Edits to a cloned version will not impact the original version.

On a new cloned version, all widgets are initially cloned. A cloned widget is connected to the original widget on the original version. This means that the cloned widget will inherit all updates from the original widget.

After you edit a cloned widget and save the changes:

  • The connection with the original widget is lost.
  • The widget will no longer inherit updates from the original widget.
  • The widget is no longer a cloned widget.

Via the Editor view for a cloned version, all widgets that remain cloned are marked with the Cloned badge (widget A below). Widgets that have been edited and are no longer cloned do not have this badge (widget B below).

Change the active version

Under Versions, the active version is marked with the Active badge. The active version is available on the public site (if the page / segment is published).

To change the active version:

  1. Under Versions, select the version you want to make active.
  2. Hit the Make selected version active button.

The selected version is now active.

Change a version title

Each version has a title that is visible only in Pangea CMS. To change a version title:

  1. Under Versions, select the version you want to rename.
  2. Hit the Edit selected version button.
  3. Enter the new title in the Title box. Then, hit Save.

The new title is now applied in Pangea CMS.

Delete a version

To delete an existing version:

  1. Under Versions, select the version you want to delete.
  2. Hit the Delete selected version button.

The selected version is now deleted and cannot be restored.

NOTE: You cannot delete the current active version. First, you need to make a different version the active version.

Increase the maximum number of versions

By default, Pangea CMS permits a maximum of two versions for each page / segment. Contact Pangea Customer Care to increase the maximum number of versions that is permitted for your site.

NOTE: In most cases, it is necessary to enforce a maximum number of versions because of storage limitations on our servers.