Manage autosave items

What's inside this article:

Basic information

Autosave applies while you edit the following text content types in Pangea CMS:

  • Article
  • Backgrounder
  • Blog
  • Feature
  • Feature story
  • News
  • Transcript

While you edit these content types, Pangea CMS creates a new autosave version every 60 seconds. If you leave the edit screen unexpectedly, the most recent autosave version is kept. When you next open CMS, the autosave item will be available on the main Search screen. This reduces the loss of unsaved work.

NOTE: Your autosave items are visible only for you.

You see an autosave item if you were previously working on an edit screen for longer than 60 seconds and the closure of the edit screen was not triggered by one of the main action buttons (Save & close, Publish & close, Close, etc.). This might be useful in the following scenarios:

  • If your browser crashes.
  • If you accidently close the tab or browser window.
  • If you accidently turn off your device.
  • If you accidently navigate to a different screen in CMS.

Discard an autosave item

You can discard an autosave item. After you perform this action:

  • The autosave item is no longer listed on the main Search screen.
  • Unsaved changes in the autosave item are lost.

To discard an individual autosave item, hover over the panel and hit Discard. Alternatively, hit Discard all to instantly discard all listed autosave items.

Save an autosave item

You can save an autosave item. After you perform this action:

  • The autosave item is no longer listed on the main Search screen.
  • Changes in the autosave item are merged with the saved version of the item in CMS. If the item has never been saved in CMS, a new item is created.

To save an autosave item:

  1. Hover over the panel and hit Unlock item. Hit Unlock to confirm.
  2. Hover over the panel again and hit Edit.
  3. You see a dialog with information about which settings in the autosave item differ to the saved version of the item in CMS. Hit OK to proceed.
  4. Perform the relevant action below:
    • Hit Publish or Publish & close to publish the changes on the public site. This option is available while the Published status is selected.
    • Hit Save or Save & close to save the changes in CMS. This option is available while the Draft / Edited status is selected.

The changes in the autosave item are now saved.