7.10 Release Highlights

Release Highlights 7.10

Release Highlights 7.10


In this release we are bringing some of the most desired features for Responsive sites - namely Multimedia Widget, Save & Continue button, Calendar for a Radio schedule page, possibility to change the name of the tube in PangeaTV widget, UGC uploading and Documents attaching in related content. We are introducing the new feature Facebook Instant Articles. Also, we have updated BBG Direct with the possibility of saving the search preferences. More in our current Release notes.

Responsive Web Sites

Multimedia Widget

Among our users so popular - multimedia widget is being introduced newly on responsive design. It enables services to place the media player directly on a section pages, where audiences can play and consume the content directly, without being redirected to media pages.

The Multimedia widget has been designed to help the services presenting their multimedia content like Videos, Broadcast Programs and/or Audio Clips.
It can be applied in 1 to 3 column areas, displaying introduction and Zone/Date/ Label based on the settings. Please note, that the widget is designed to display one content intem only, as the main purspose is to promote the particular content.

The set up in Pangea CMS is similar to all the other widgets - select Multimedia widget option when creating a new widget. Similarly as on previous desktop version, there is an option to share an embed code with the partner sites or affiliates.

Save & Continue button for Articles

To make your work in Pangea CMS easier and smoother, we have implemented a "Save & Continue" button for all the text-based content, e.g.: Article, Transcript, News, Blog, Press Release, Feature and Live Blog.

By using this button, you can save your work and continue working on the very same Article Edit page.

Edit Tube name in PangeaTV widget

From now on, it is possible to change the default name of the Tube on the widget level or select the option of not displaying the Tube`s name at all.

For this, please contact our Customer Care team to configure the correct keys that would allow the mentioned changes.

UGC - User Generated Content

We are also introducing the so required User Generated Content (UGC) on Responsive, where the readers can send files, documents or pictures directly to Pangea CMS.

If your service would like to start using the UGC page, please translate the following local key: "UGC.UploadPage". Also create a link for Terms and rules with "UGC.UploadPage.TermOfUseLink" and "UGC.UploadPage.TermsOfUseCaption" and change the link for /userupload.html page.

The workflow of UGC on Responsive design is the same as it used to be on Desktop.

Documents as related content on responsive websites

For those, who would like to attach a document to a content, Pangea CMS allows to do so through Related content option. The supported files for sharing in Related content are: pdf, txt, ppt, doc and xml.

Calendar for a Radio Schedule Page

In the previous release we brought a Radio Schedule Page with the history of previous 3 - 7 days. In this release, we are implementing a Calendar with the functionality to browse in the further history. The calendar is available under the extension "radioschedule.html".
For this matter, we would like to ask the services to localize the following key: "Responsive.Calendar".

Default Tab for Audio zone

As a part of the release 7.09, we implemented an automatic Article tab in Audio archive zone. In this release we added a missing functionality that was previously available on desktop design. We are giving our editors the option to change which tab should be shown and also which of them should be set as default via zone settings in Pangea CMS.

Facebook Instant Articles

The new feature of Instant Article allows Facebook mobile users to consume the content natively within the Facebook mobile applications (iOS and Android).

This functionality is already implemented thanks to the pilot sites that helped us improve the Pangea-to-Facebook communication.

A special presentation regarding to this topic will be held in the middle of June.

Multimedia project

Live streaming in adaptive bitrate

As follow up to our adaptive video on-demand feature, in 7.10 we are bringing you a live adaptive streaming. The streaming is currently available only for the services using external PTV tubes and will be enabled after all the sites will be configured properly.

BBG Direct

Save search

This new functionality allows BBG Direct users save a customized search and get notified when a new content matches the settings of the search.

Notifications are currently happening only on the website level, however the e-mail notifications are coming within the next release.