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CMS 8.0 Release Highlights


Release Schedule

  • Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.:
    • Tue, 10th March 2020 07:00 am Prague time (02:00 am D.C. time)
  • Voice of America:
    • Wed, 11th March 2020 04:00 am D.C. time (09:00 am Prague time)
  • Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc.:
    • Wed, 11th March 2020 05:00 am D.C. time (10:00 am Prague time)
  • Office of Cuba Broadcasting:
    • Wed, 11th March 2020 07:00 am D.C. time (12:00 pm Prague time)
  • LibertyNet:
    • Wed, 11th March 2020 13:00 Prague time (08:00 am D.C. time)​

Table of contents

  1. Single Sign-On for CMS Using Office 365
  2. Media Format Clean Up
  3. Transliterate Slug
  4. Improvements for Search page in CMS 8.0
  5. Program Edit
  6. Front End Optimisation
  7. Viber for Follow Us Navigation
  8. Disclaimer Message for Comment Widget
  9. Typo Notifier Improvements: E-mail Field
  10. Improved Image Quality Based on Screen Density

New Features

1. Single Sign-On for CMS Using Office 365

During this release cycle, CMS will be joining the Pangea products that have single sign-on via using your Office 365 account. This means that the login which is used for the RFE/RL corporate e-mail will be the same as login used to access Pangea CMS. This reduces the number of passwords that is necessary to remember and increases security available because of dual-factor authentification which is part of the Office 365 account.

While the preparations for the single sign-on will be released with the 8.0 release, the final switch itself, should take place by the end of March.

2. Media Format Clean Up

As you have already seen in the last release we are working on a clean up of old media formats available to upload into Pangea CMS and on a responsive version of the User Generated Page.

Starting with the 8.0 Release we will support uploading of the following media formats:

  • Image: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG
  • Audio: MP3, OGG, WAV, AAC, M4A
  • Video: MPG, MP4, MOV, MXF

3. Transliterate Slug

Based on various services' requests, we have brought option to transliterate slug from Cyrillic to Latin. The new feature will be available in the Article Edit Page in Pangea CMS 8.0 version. Please, create a ticket if you want to enable the slug transliteration.

4. Improvements for Search Page in CMS 8.0

Part of the new release will include an improved design and viewing experience of the search for CMS 8.0, as well increased ease of switching between Content, Images and UGC buttons. Switching between these options will retain the search filters and apply them, thus saving you the time and increasing the speed of search.

5. Program Edit

Following the release of a scheduler which merged audio and video schedulers together, we are introducing a program edit page, that allows you to create or edit both video and audio programs from a single page.

This new feature was built to improve the user experience. While creating or editing, you will be able to see a preview of the particular show's day with all its programs, which will allow for a smoother workflow.

6. Front End Optimisation

As a part of our continuous search engine optimisation (SEO), we have been working on the front-end optimisation during this release. We have minimised code for responsive pages, updated robots.txt and during the Pangea Release 8.0 we are going to improve caching rules for our responsive pages.

7. Viber for Follow Us Navigation

A Viber button can newly be added to the Follow Us navigation (both - top and bottom).

To enable this feature, simply add "Viber" value to following config keys for this purpose:

  • Responsive.FollowUsHeader (header navigation)
  • Responsive.FollowUs (bottom navigation)
  • Alt text localisation - Responsive.Social.FollowOnViber
  • Link - Responsive.Social.Viber.UrlFollow

8. Disclaimer Message for Comment Widget

Pangea lacked the disclaimer functionality for Comment component.

With this new release, we will introduce the option to have a disclaimer for Comments widget. In case you would like to enable it, you can use special config keys (if value provided, disclaimer will be displayed):

  • Forum.FacebookDisclaimer.Text (for Facebook comments component) and
  • Responsive.Forum.Disclaimer.Text (for Pangea comments)

How you communicate with your viewers is fully up to you. You can add any message you want to address your viewers - e.g. warn them about using offensive language; let them know, that comments are pre-moderated etc.

9. Typo Notifier Improvements: E-mail Field

Many services appreciate typo-notifier functionality, which allows the sites' users to share with editors their findings: typo-mistakes, questionable facts etc.

But some of the editors would like the opportunity to interact with their users. For these purposes we provide an option to have an e-mail field as a part of your typo-notifier window.

By enabling this feature you start to collect users data. Therefore, please make sure, that you have a "Terms and Conditions" page to link to the agreement check box.

Please use following config keys to setup the feature:

  • TypoReporter.IsUserEmailEnabled - enables e-mail for the typo-notifier
  • Typoreporter.Additionaltext - key to localise "Terms and Conditions" line.
  • TypoReporter.IsUserEmailRequired - determines if the functionality of providing e-mail is mandatory.
  • TypoReporter.Validation.NoUserEmail - error message which will be displayed in case the mandatory e-mail is not provided.
  • TypoReporter.Validation.NoTermsContract - error message which will be displayed to user in case Terms&Conditions are not accepted.

10. Improved Image Quality Based on Screen Density ​

We understand that the proper image quality is crucial for some content types (like Feature Story, for example).

We are therefore introducing a new option to select a high quality of images for specific content types. For those content types, which are selected this way, higher quality images will be served to the high resolution screens (like Retina).

Please keep in mind your users internet traffic limitations (we would therefore advise to limit this feature only to those content types, where it is really necessary).

Please setup content types with improved image quality using this config key:

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