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7.26 Release Highlights

7.26 Release Highlights Video
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Release Schedule

  • Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.:
    • Tue, 14th August 2018 07:00 am Prague time (01:00 am D.C. time)
  • Voice of America:
    • Wed, 15th August 2018 04:00 am D.C. time (10:00 am Prague time)
  • Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc.:
    • Wed, 15th August 2018 05:30 am D.C. time (11:30 am Prague time)
  • Office of Cuba Broadcasting:
    • Wed, 15th August 2018 06:30 am D.C. time (12:30 pm Prague time)
  • BBG Direct:
    • Wed, 15th August 2018 07:00 am D.C. time (13:00 Prague time)
  • LibertyNet:
    • Wed, 15th August 2018 13:30 Prague time (07:30 am D.C. time)

Table of contents

  1. Backgrounder: Custom Position
  2. Calendar Improvements for the Archive Page
  3. New Feature - "Also read"
  4. Graphic Content Warning for Disturbing Images
  5. Title to Slug for Additional Content Types
  6. Teasers Information for Infographics
  7. Quiz Sharing

New Features

1. Backgrounder: custom position

The management and performance of backgrounders has been improved, allowing editors to choose its placement. It is now possible for a backgrounder to either be placed on the left side of the text or in the centre of the text with text width. This should also allow for a smoother experience when being viewed on smaller screens of mobile devices.

Backgrounder, alignment to left:

Article width backgrounder:

2. Calendar Improvements for the Archive Page

In order to avoid getting empty Zone Archive pages for the dates when there was no new content added to the archive, any day that is picked will display all previous content by this date.

In next release "Default view" button will be added.

3. New Feature - "Also read"

The new "Also read" functionality now allows for content to be highlighted directly inside the body of the article. It can be found through the "Insert Embedded Content" functionality, where it is possible to pick one of the articles which will appear as an "Also read" link on front end.

Similar to Backgrounders or Images, it will be possible for editors to choose where the "Also read" link should appear in the text and whether to place it on the left side of the text or in the centre with text width. Additionally, it will also be possible to select whether the link should be displayed with or without thumbnail.

"Also read" functionality placed on the side with and without a displayed thumbnail
"Also read" functionality placed on the side with and without a displayed thumbnail

"Also read" functionality placed in the centre with text width with a displayed thumbnail
"Also read" functionality placed in the centre with text width with a displayed thumbnail

Only one link can be included to one "Also read" block.

The "See Also" text can be localised with the configuration key Responsive.Label.SeeAlso which can be adjusted through the "Site Localization" option in Settings.

4. Graphic Content Warning for Disturbing Images

Explicit images of gore or carnage generate strong emotions, depending on the mindset of the viewer and the method in which it is presented. Therefore editors often hesitate to share graphic images in their articles, even when those images are relevant or important to the story. In order to address this dilemma a new function of blurring the graphic content behind a filter has been developed. The filter will contain a warning message "This photo contains sensitive content with some people may find offensive or disturbing.”

The reader will have access to what is behind the blurred screen, by tapping "Click to reveal".

This solution applies per inserted image. It is up to the editor to decide if an image needs to be blurred or not.

It is possible to localise the text of the warning with the following config keys:

Name of the KeyDefault ValueTypeExplanation of the Key / Hint
"Click to reveal"Language SettingWhat is written on the button for images' content warning.
"This image contains graphic content"Language SettingWhat is written in the title of images' content warning.
"This image contains graphic content - Click to reveal"Language SettingWhat is written in the title of images' content warning for no javascript version

5. Title to Slug for Additional Content Types

As you remember from previous releases, we developed a simple way of converting the Article title into Slug by clicking on a single button. Now, this nice feature will also be available to all remaining content types which are able to use Slug column.

Complete list of the content types which will now have this feature:

  • Multimedia
    • Video
    • Photogallery
    • Audio Clips (Uploaded into CMS)
    • Document
  • Interactive
    • Infographics
    • Poll
    • Quiz

6. Teasers Information for Infographics

It will now be possible to add a teaser for a widget or Social sites when creating an Infographic. This feature is configurable via internal setup of Pangea CMS, so in case this option is not visible for you and you would like to use it, feel free to contact our service desk.

7. Quiz Sharing

It will now be possible to create as many result options as is necessary, and user will be able to share the exact result image he has achieved to the social media. This should attract more visitors to quizzes, as well as help with spreading them more effectively in social networks

Quiz result page is unique for each result range and contains a result title, image, comment to the result, a progress bar, as well as sharing buttons.

Beside this, the design of the quiz has also been improved, making it lighter and improving the user experience by cancelling some of the redundant steps and clicks.

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