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7.23 Release Highlights

7.23 Release Highlights Video
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7.23 Release Highlights Video

Release Schedule

  • Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.:
    • Tue, 3rd April 2018 07:00 am Prague time (01:00 am D.C. time)
  • Voice of America:
    • Wed, 4th April 2018 04:00 am D.C. time (10:00 am Prague time)
  • Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc.:
    • Wed, 4th April 2018 05:30 am D.C. time (11:30 am Prague time)
  • Office of Cuba Broadcasting:
    • Wed, 4th April 2018 06:30 am D.C. time (12:30 am Prague time)
  • BBG Direct:
    • Wed, 4th April 2018 07:00 am D.C. time (01:00 pm Prague time)

Table of contents

  1. Filters on Search Page
  2. Feature Story Updates
  3. Live Stream Widget Update
  4. Copy title to slug function
  5. Media Page Headers Update
  6. NOJS version: enabling/disabling images on Section pages
  7. Mobile Applications: RFE/RL News 4.5

New Features

1. Filters on Search Page

In this release we have improved the usability and experience of the search page on our responsive sites, we have added the option of filtering results. This release we delivered the first phase which offers the following filters:

  1. Content (all article types),
  2. Audio
  3. Video
  4. Infographics
  5. Gallery
  6. Document

The page also supports Date filter and Number of items per page. The order of the filters how they appear is configurable as well the number of results per page.

2. Feature Story Updates

We’ve prepared new improvements for Feature story performance: sharing buttons for social media and “You May Also Like” widget displaying on the bottom.

Sharing buttons on the top

To provide users an easy way to share Feature story, we’ve added sharing buttons at the top of the article (between the main image and the text).

Widget “You may also like”

In order to allow services the option to engage user with other content from the site after reading a Featured story, a “You May Also Like” widget has been placed at the bottom of the page. Particular widget pattern will be set up on the Zone level.

3. Live Stream Widget Update

A new feature for Program Landing page will allow Live Stream Widget to have the option to set Zone (Program) from the current site. Selecting the option on Widget Edit page to “display the widget only when there is Live broadcasting” (1), you’ll find enabled option to set the Program (Zone) for this widget (2, 3)

If you enable this option and choose the Program (Zone), the Live stream widget will display only that particular program when it’s Live. Only Programs (Zones) from current site will be displayed.

The other new feature is a Fallback widget (4), which can be chosen from Widget library. Purpose of this feature is that when the selected Program is not Live at the moment, it is possible to display any widget from the Widget Library in the same place (e.g. with a banner promoting the show, or content which is relevant).

This widget is a great option for program pages, where services could use the widget to display on-air content (live stream) for a specific show at a specific time, and when the show is not on-air, switch to a content widget, all this done automatically by CMS.

4. Copy title to slug function

The times when rewriting title of the article to its Slug is gone now. In the article edit page, by the press of a button, you can copy the title into the Slug field

This new feature will also enable services to use Slugs in their local languages

The feature will be rollout on a request basis. so please send us a request if your service is interested.

Config key: Article.Slug.ConvertToSlugButton.Visible

5. Media Page Headers Update

To improve the user experience of Media Zone Archive, we’ve made some redesign of secondary navigation. Now, this navigation is lighter, looks better and helps to emphasize the name of the show. Remember in the previous release we implemented the option to add banner and branding for the shows, if your service would be interested please let us know so we can help you with the branding.

6. NOJS version: enabling/disabling images on Section pages

To improve performance and user-experience for no-JavaScript (NOJS) version, we will start to display images for NOJS version on Section Pages.

You will thus be able to display a version of Section Page with placeholders or version with images.

Config key: Responsive.NoScript.ImageLoad.Enabled

7. Mobile Applications

RFE/RL News 4.5

My News in multiple languages

It is now possible to combine your news feed in multiple languages.

Show and Scheduler notifications

Now you can subscribe to your favorite audio and video shows to be notified when new episodes are available. Scheduler alerts also give you the possibility to be notified when a program is on-air.

Settings page improvements for better usability

PangeaGO 1.6

PsiPhon proxy solution is integrated to allow users to submit the content from any environment regardless the political borders.

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