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Manage image captions


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Basic information

The caption is the text displayed directly below an image on the public site.

This article explains how to work with image captions in Pangea CMS.

Create the default caption

Every image in Pangea CMS has a default caption. The default caption must be provided during upload via the English Title/Caption field. For details, see the following article:

The English Title/Caption should always be completed in English. Using English makes the default caption understandable for CMS users who do not speak your local language.

To provide the proper information, use the following structure when creating the default caption:

  • Country - Who, What, Where, When

Only include elements that are known and relevant for the current image. It is not necessary to use full sentences. An example of an effective default caption is as follows:

  • Pakistan - A boy plays at the edge of Naguman River on the outskirts of Peshawar, Pakistan August 1, 2023

If needed, use the Description field to share information with the image in a language other than English. The description is accessible only in Pangea CMS (not on the public site). For details, see the following article:

Create a custom caption

It is important that CMS users create a custom caption to replace the default caption before publishing an image. Create a custom caption in the local language for your site. An effective caption provides context for visitors and explains how the image is relevant to the story.

For information about using images in Pangea CMS, see the following articles:

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