Simplified settings for Dynamic infographics & Snippets

What's inside this article:

Basic information

We have simplified the settings for Snippets and Dynamic infographics in Pangea CMS. Our aim was to:

  • Remove settings that are not used.
  • Remove legacy settings that no longer work.
  • Remove other settings that have no clear impact.

This article contains a full list of the removed settings.

The simplified settings should offer improved user experience, while reducing the potential for mistakes and confusion while working with these content types.

Removed settings

The following settings were removed for Snippets and Dynamic infographics:

  • Main image
  • Share on Direct
  • Use Iframe On Header-Footer Layouts
  • Auto Size Mode
  • Responsive ready
  • Fall-back Image
  • Default Attach Width
  • Default Attach Height
  • Script References *
  • XML Groups *

* the Script References and XML Groups settings remain available for items where these options were used. Other settings were removed for all Snippets and Dynamic infographics (regardless of use).

These additional settings were removed only for Snippets:

  • Slug
  • Convert to slug
  • Teaser Info
  • Social Teaser Info
  • Authors
  • Contributors
  • Infographic inner Text for search indexing

The above-listed settings are only relevant for creating standalone content pages. We have removed these settings to promote best practice for Snippet usage. Snippets should not normally be shared as standalone pages. If you want to create an infographic as a standalone page, we suggest creating a Dynamic infographic.


In the vast majority of cases, no action is required.

In very rare cases, you might see the following alert in CMS:

  • "This content was created using retired settings. If you save the content, you will overwrite the current configuration. This might affect how the content is displayed on the public site."

This alert is displayed on all Snippets / Dynamic infographics that previously used one or more of the following removed settings:

  • Use Iframe On Header-Footer Layouts
  • Auto Size Mode
  • Responsive ready
  • Default Attach Width
  • Default Attach Height

These settings were removed from the edit page in CMS. However, the configuration for the item was not overwritten. If you do not save the item in CMS, the configuration will remain unchanged. If you save the item, the configuration will be overwritten (the impact of the removed settings will be lost). In very rare cases, this might impact how the item is displayed on the public site.

Review the advice below:

  • If you do not want to overwrite the current configuration, click Cancel to leave the edit page without saving.
  • If you save the item, we suggest immediately checking how the item looks on the public site (including on all pages where it is embedded). If you find any issues, contact Pangea Customer Care for assistance.