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Yermolaeva’s photos show the abandoned prison where Soviet citizens were once held during “dekulakization” -- Joseph Stalin’s program of seizing property from wealthy peasants and sending them to the gulag.

Parts of the former gulag camp are still in operation as a detention center, however. Yermolaeva learned that Maria Alyokhina, one of the imprisoned members of Pussy Riot, was being temporarily held at Detention Center Number 5 before being sent to a permanent prison in the same region.

Parts of the former gulag camp are still in operation as a detention center, however. Yermolaeva learned that Maria Alyokhina, one of the imprisoned members of Pussy Riot, was being temporarily held at Detention Center Number 5 before being sent to a permanent prison in the same region.

The abandoned Traktovaya prison in Perm region.

The abandoned Traktovaya prison in Perm region.

One abandoned building bears a sign stating: “It is not enough only to recognize one’s guilt.”

The abandoned Traktovaya prison in Perm region.

The abandoned Traktovaya prison in Perm region.