CMS 8.10 Release Highlights

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8.10 Release Highlights Video

Release Schedule

  • Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.:
    • Tue, 29th June 2021 07:00 am Prague time (01:00 am D.C. time)
  • LibertyNet:
    • Tue, 29th June 2021 08:30 Prague time (02:30 am D.C. time)​

Table of contents

  1. Header and Primary Navigation
  2. Live Website Button on Edit Pages
  3. New Logic of Publication Time
  4. Manual Live Stream to Social Media Updates
    1. Maximum Length of Manual Stream
    2. Status

New Features

1. Header and Primary Navigation Refactor

Based on the received feedback, the primary navigation in Pangea CMS will be activated on click. Subitems in individual menus will be activated by hovering the mouse courser over a particular item.

This should prevent situations where an accidental click on a sub-item in the primary navigation unintentionally takes the editor away from the content edit page.

In case an editor has access rights to multiple sites and wishes to navigate among them, it will be possible to use the Pangea CMS logo or site list navigation on the right top corner of the header.

The icons for My account, along with Logout, Time, and Site list icons, have been moved from the header to the primary navigation.

Time on a page in Pangea CMS

User account settings and Log out

The navigation on mobile devices has also been improved. On devices with smaller screens, the navigation will be hidden under a "hamburger menu" and is activated on a click.

Mobile view

2. Live Website Button on Edit Pages

As a result of the header redesign mentioned in the previous part, the LIVE button has been moved outside of the header, and placed directly into content edit pages or section pages.

The following pages on Pangea CMS 8 already have an option to have a LIVE button:

  • article edit page
  • broadcast edit page
  • show edit page
  • section editor
  • scheduler page

Live web site button is active in case the content on the edit page is published and the content page has been saved.

Live site button is disabled, if the content page:

  • is published but not saved, OR
  • has the status set to either draft or to being edited

3. New Logic of Publication Time

There will be a change in the restrictions on Publication Date when saving content. This change will happen for all content types:

  • In case the date and time is set to some time in the past, then clicking on Save button will automatically change the Publication Date to the current time (according to service's time zone).
    This will happen without any action from the journalist. To do so, the system will check if prepopulated date and time are in the past and update to current one
  • Setting date and time in the future (scheduling) will continue to be available - Saving an item which has publishing time set in the future, will not change date and time set manually by the editor.
  • This means that the option to set the publishing date and time in the past will no longer be available. This will happen despite the fact that the calendar in the content edit pages will continue to allow to select past date and time (such date and time will be overwritten to current one upon saving it)
  • Creation Date and Time (time of opening the article) will continue to be stored in DB, from whence it might be retrieved upon request

This change doesn't require any workflow adjustment from the services.

4. Manual Live Stream to Social Media Updates ​ ​

Maximum Length of Manual Stream

In case Manual streaming is not stopped manually by the journalists sooner, it will stop automatically after 8 hours of straight streaming.
This feature is implemented to ensure a balanced load on Pangea's infrastructure.


When streaming to multiple social media channels at the same time, it will now be possible to see the real-time status of every stream.