Upload images

What's inside this article:

Basic information

This article explains how to upload images to Pangea CMS. You can upload one image or multiple images in the same batch.

The following conditions apply for uploading images:

  • Supported file formats are .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png.
  • The maximum size for an individual image is 50 MB.
  • We do not suggest uploading more than 30 images in one batch.

Clear EXIF data

Most devices store metadata (known as EXIF data) with the photos you take. This might include:

  • Location information in the form of GPS coordinates
  • The date and time when the image was taken

When a photo is posted online, anyone can access its EXIF data. Pangea CMS does not clear EXIF data on upload. If necessary, you need to clear the EXIF data manually before uploading a photo.

Access Image upload

Go to Create > Multimedia > Image to access Image upload in Pangea CMS.

Alternatively, hit Upload > Image from the edit screen for a text content page. When you use this method, the Image upload screen opens in a new tab, so you do not lose any unsaved work.

Choose images for upload

Select the image file(s) you want to upload using either method below:

  • Select all the files, and drag and drop them into the box.
  • Hit Browse files and navigate to the location on your device where the files are saved. Select all the files, and click Open.

The upload progress for each image is displayed in the Image box. While the upload is in progress, you can start adding metadata.

Add the image metadata

You can add the following metadata for each image:

English Title/Caption

Enter a title for the image in English. The English Title/Caption will be added as the default caption whenever the image is selected for use in Pangea CMS. Editors can then create a custom caption in the local lanaguage for the site. Using English makes the title understandable for CMS users who do not speak your local language.

For information about best practice, see the following article:


Select the Pangea site that owns the image. This is normally the same site that uploaded the image.

Image taken

Select the date when the photo was taken / the image was created. If you are not sure, enable the Unknown slider.


Assign a Graphic Database Source (GDB Source) to the image. The GDB Source is the organization with credit for an image. For a photo, this is often the external agency that owns permission to use the photo (for example, Reuters or AP).

The GDB Source is visible in the bottom-right corner when the image is displayed on the public site. This helps avoid copyright issues and provides additional information for visitors.

For more information, see the following article:


Optionally provide a short description with more details about the image. You might enter the description in any language (or provide the same description in more than one language).

The description is accessible only in Pangea CMS (not on the public site). Adding an informative description has the following benefits:

  • The description helps users to search for the image in CMS. Users can enter keywords from the description to quickly find an image.
  • The description is available as a source of information for users who work with the image in CMS. For example, information from the description can be included in the image caption.


Optionally assign a contributor to the image. This information is provided for RFE/RL payroll and is not accessible anywhere on the public site.


After you select a GDB Source, one of the following menus appears:

  • Photographer: Appears when you select any GDB Source except for RFE/RL. Via this drop-down menu, you can optionally assign a Courtesy photographer to the image.
  • RFE/RL Photographer: Appears when you select RFE/RL as the GDB Source. Via this drop-down menu, it is required to assign an RFE/RL photographer to the image.

For detailed information, see the following article:

The name of the assigned photographer is visible in the bottom-right corner when the image is displayed on the public site. The photographer is listed first, with the GDB Source afterwards in brackets.

Use bulk edit

To save time, use the bulk edit tool in Pangea CMS to add the same metadata for multiple images. Follow these steps:

  1. Tick Select all to edit all images. Alternatively, tick each individual image you want to edit.
  2. In the bottom-left corner, select Edit in the Select action drop-down menu. Then, hit Apply.
  3. Add the metadata you want to apply for all selected images. Then, hit Next.
  4. Check the metadata that will be applied. Then, hit Apply.

The metadata is now applied for each selected image.

Save the images

You can only save the image(s) after the following required metadata is provided for every image in the batch:

To save the image(s), hit Save & close.

The images are now saved and available for use in Pangea CMS.