7.36 Release Highlights

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7.36 Release Highlights Video

Release Schedule

  • Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.:
    • Tue, 10th December 2019 07:00 am Prague time (01:00 am D.C. time)
  • Voice of America:
    • Wed, 11th December 2019 03:00 am D.C. time (09:00 am Prague time)
  • Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc.:
    • Wed, 11th December 2019 04:30 am D.C. time (10:30 am Prague time)
  • Office of Cuba Broadcasting:
    • Wed, 11th December 2019 06:30 am D.C. time (12:30 pm Prague time)
  • LibertyNet:
    • Wed, 11th December 2019 13:00 Prague time (07:00 am D.C. time)​

Table of contents

  1. Loop Video as a Main Article Image
  2. New Block in Layout Builder
  3. Schedule Page Design Improvements
  4. CMS 8.0 Article Edit Beta
    1. Inline Editing in a More Intuitive Way to Create Content
    2. One-Click for All Embeds
    3. Preview Your Content for Different Devices
    4. Easy Settings
  5. A New Way to Set Up the Mobile App Top Story

New Features

1. Loop Video as a Main Article Image

Since its introduction, loop videos frequently appear as a widget teasers on home pages of various services, making loop video one of the highly popular features which positively affects our user engagement.

Now we present you Loop video as a main article image. This feature will provide users with the same visuals inside article as on widget level.

This feature is available for users of CMS 8.0, for following content types:

  • Article
  • Transcript
  • News
  • Blog
  • Feature Story
  • Feature

When attaching the main image, make sure to switch over to the "Content" tab and narrow the search down to "Loop Video".

2. New Block in Layout Builder

With the new block in Layout builder you can:

  • provide your users new experience
  • build newly designed Section pages
  • solve some issues with widget composition

3. Schedule Page Design Improvements

The design of the Schedule page has been made lighter and clearer for improved user experience, with these features:

  • Schedule page now provides user the most important information about programs and time immediately;
  • All additional information about program is available on click;
  • All Podcast links have been moved to a single subscribe modal.

4. CMS 8.0 Article Edit Beta

In this release, we will be introducing the beta version for CMS 8.0 Article edit.
This major update to the Article edit page will include the following features:

Inline Editing in a More Intuitive Way to Create Content

Inline Editing is a new technology introduced in CMS 8.0 which allows you to select any editable element on the page and edit it in-place. As a result, the journalists will now be able to edit the content in a way that looks just like the final page.
The aim is to achieve a "what you see is what you get" experience. Not only the edited content looks like the final outcome, but also the page and the context where the content is placed is the real one.

This means, that a journalist can now create a full article from one single page (Editor page) with no need to move to any other pages. Simply point and click where the content needs to be added and add it.

One-Click for All Embeds

In order to embed any kind of content, select the right-most icon from the Editorial bar. This will allow you to embed content from:

  • Pangea (as embed and as see also format)
  • Third-Party Embeds from different social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube Vkontakte and more...
  • Place Locations with an embed map using our Mapbox tool

Preview Your Content for Different Devices

CMS 8.0 allows you to preview your article in different sizes and see how your readers will consume the content on various devices. There are 3 preview views available:

  • Large - for desktop computers and Laptops
  • Medium - for tablets
  • Small - for mobile devices

You can access this preview on the left panel of the page, in the "Device Preview" which is places below Settings button.

Easy Settings

We are aware that creating good content requires providing extra information such as social teasers or slug. All these items can be found on the settings page.
Various settings are grouped in collapsible containers for easy access.

  • General - Allows you to set slug, main image, priorities, categories, dateline, etc.
  • Website teasers - Allows you to set teaser information for title, introduction, main image, vertical image, label and loop video
  • Social Media Teasers - Allows you to manage the teasers information of the article that is passed to social media when the article is shared
  • Authors - Allows you to manage authors and contributors
  • Tags - Allows you to add tags to the article
  • Comments - Allows you to enable disable comments and moderate them.
  • Miscellaneous - Displays the URL of the article, field for notes.

So now you can go ahead and try the new way to create or edit articles in CMS 8.0. The Beta version currently supports the following content types:

  • Article
  • Transcript
  • News
  • Blog
  • Feature Story
  • Feature

Article Beta is enabled in CMS and you can access it via the navigation as New => Content => Content Beta

5. A New Way to Set Up the Mobile App Top Story

We simplified the way to assign a widget to feed the mobile application top story.
All you need to do is to open a widget settings tab and check the "Mobile app top story" checkbox. The widget content will be used in the mobile app's top story section.

The checkbox can be set for one widget only. When you check the checkbox in a new widget, it will be automatically unchecked in a previous widget.