How to Embed a Google+ Post [Quick Tip]
"First, there were embedded tweets. Then we had embeddable Pinterest content. And recently, we caught wind of embedded Facebook posts. Well guess what we have now, folks ... Google+ Embedded Posts!", have you already tried to embed a Google? Take a look on quick tip from Hubspot and start embedding.
New Tools for Surfacing Conversations on Facebook
"If there is something interesting going on, people are talking about it on Facebook. From favorite television shows to sporting events to the latest news; the conversations are happening on Facebook. Last week’s kick-off of the NFL season garnered over 20 million likes, comments, and shares on Facebook by over 8 million people.", Facebook has a strong will to help you surfing easily in this ocean of information, read more about it on their Newsroom.
Tips for writing better tweets
"If you're a regular Twitter user, you probably think you know what a good tweet looks like.
A good tweet should have a catchy headline, shortened link, hashtags and fewer than 140 characters. Yes, I know you know.", and what you didn't know you could learn from Infographics.
Yes, Videos Are Playing Automatically in Your Facebook Newsfeed Now
"If you've been on Facebook and noticed that videos in your Newsfeed are playing automatically, you're not imagining things. Facebook announced yesterday that it is experimenting with a new feature it says makes watching videos even easier.", read more on Entrepreneur.
Snoutbook? Pets Get Their Own Social Media App
"You already knew social media was really just a good excuse to share a bunch of silly pictures of your cat. Now, there's a social media network just for pets. Petigram is a new mobile app that focuses on creating a fun and interactive social network for pets. OK, it's really for their owners, but you get the idea.", do you have pets? And do you want to them be on internet?... some people, yes!
New Facebook Privacy Issue Sparks Official FTC Inquiry
"Facebook is facing criticism again over its privacy standards? You don't say." saying Entrepreneur and the same issue is discussing SocialMediaExaminer: "The key point is this: Facebook already had the right use your images. You probably just didn’t realize it."