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Facebook story bump, Twitter conversations, tools from Youtube and other news from Social Media world

Facebook News Feed Updates: How Marketers Should Respond to Story Bump

"Are you wondering how to respond to the Facebook news feed changes? Have you figured out how Story Bump can help your content remain top of mind with Facebook fans?" asking SocialMediaExaminer. What is Story Bump and how it could affect your work, read in their blog.

Keep up with conversations on Twitter

"We’ve made it easier for you to see conversations as they’re taking place.". How new conversation look and work you could find out on Twitter blog.

Facebook Unveils Shared Photo Albums

"A picture's worth a thousand words, and now Facebook is letting others add to your conversation." says Mashable. Facebook announced shared photo albums. How it works and what you could expect from this, read on Mashable.

The Real Generation Gap: How Adults and Teens Use Social Media Differently (Infographic)

"There is no magic bullet when it comes to connecting with your customers online, but understanding their social media habits is a good place to start.". Take a look to Infographics and learn more about habits of your users.

What Facebook’s new layout means for marketers

"In March, Facebook introduced a new News feed layout to optimize the users’ experience on desktop and mobile devices. While not everyone has the new News Feed layout, it is slowly rolling out to more and more users. Here’s a look at the new Facebook in pictures.", more interesting details about new layout you could find on InsideFacebook or on official Facebook pages.

Investing in you: more tools to build your channels

And news from YouTube: "accounts in good standing will be able to use a bunch of features you’ve been asking for: live streaming, custom thumbnails, external annotations and series playlists.". More on their blog.